A technician works on a computer.

Our Suppliers and Business Partners

Our Suppliers and Business Partners play an important role in our business, and we expect them to act ethically and share in our commitment to operate with integrity and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. To further support our efforts, we are members of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), and believe this collaboration helps achieve long-term positive change in the advancement of social, ethical and environmental responsibility in the global supply chain. Our “Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners” sets forth the standards expected of any Supplier or Business Partner doing business with us or acting on our behalf.

To download the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners, please select a language from the list below.

In addition, Comcast’s Statement on Modern Slavery and Supply Chain Values identifies our efforts to ensure that our suppliers do not engage in human trafficking or slavery in connection with their work for Comcast. Click here to review Comcast’s Statement.