Colleagues chat together in a meeting

Supplier Diversity

Mission & Commitment

Our mission is to support an inclusive corporate supply chain process, in which all businesses – including small and diverse businesses – have an opportunity to participate.

A technician services a server

Supporting Supplier Diversity and Inclusion

We are constantly evaluating our supplier base and aim to provide access and opportunity to participate to all those qualified. A broad and diverse supplier base provides Comcast with reliable resources; it creates jobs; and it diversifies and strengthens our own supply chain. While we make decisions based on the qualifications of potential suppliers in a nondiscriminatory manner, we believe in ensuring that all qualified suppliers have an opportunity to be considered and to be part of our continued success.

A technician services a servere

Fostering Competition

We believe that a diverse and inclusive process fosters excellence in supply chain management. It is our responsibility to obtain the highest quality goods and services at the best competitive prices from all our suppliers. To do this and in turn remain competitive, we must ensure we have the best innovation, ideas and solutions.

Comcast’s supplier diversity and inclusion program is designed to create an inclusive corporate supply chain process that provides access to suppliers of all types, including small and diverse businesses.
Peter Kiriacoulacos
Chief Procurement Officer, Comcast Corporation

Program Overview & Expectations

Comcast’s supplier diversity and inclusion program seeks to create a broad supplier base by providing every business, regardless of ownership or size, with the opportunity to participate in the process. While we make decisions based on the qualifications of potential providers in a nondiscriminatory manner, our process is designed to be inclusive and to ensure that all businesses, including businesses that have historically played a smaller role in our supply chain, such as small and diverse businesses – have an opportunity to participate. Additionally, we use our subcontracting process to encourage some of our largest vendors to share our vision and to collectively help create economic opportunities in our communities.

To participate in the company’s corporate supply chain, a company must be able to deliver a quality product or service, and must be financially sound, committed to service and responsiveness, and able to serve existing and new business. All suppliers engaged to do business with Comcast and/or NBCUniversal must also comply with Comcast’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners.

Registration is not required, nor are businesses required to note any status certification. Comcast makes decisions based on the qualifications of potential suppliers in a nondiscriminatory manner.



spent with diverse Tier 1 suppliers in 2023


spent with diverse Tier 2 suppliers in 2023


To ensure that we are introduced to a broad range of businesses, including those that may have historically played a smaller role in our supply chain – including small and diverse businesses, any suppliers interested in doing business with Comcast may register their companies using our secure supplier registration Portal, which also allows businesses to confirm their status as a small and/or diverse business. Registration is not a prerequisite to participating in Comcast’s supply chain process, and Comcast makes its supplier selection decisions based on the qualifications of potential suppliers. We also encourage our Tier I suppliers to likewise have an inclusive supply chain process that provides small and diverse suppliers with the opportunity to participate.

Tier II Program

Comcast thanks you for participating in our supplier diversity and inclusion efforts, which seek to encourage access to the process to a broad range of businesses, including those that may have historically played a smaller role in the supply chain, such as small and diverse businesses. We look forward to working with your company to explore better ways to serve our customers, consumers and communities now and in the future. Comcast’s program reinforces our commitment to an innovative and inclusive procurement process. Learn more about the Tier II Program.

Additional Information

We believe in providing equal opportunity to qualified suppliers who participate in the bid process. We also believe that diversifying and periodically examining our supplier base fosters increased competition. Additionally, when we do business with qualified small and diverse businesses – many of whom operate in our communities – they help create jobs for people within those communities, distributing more opportunity and wealth.

Comcast team members chatting around a table full of Xfinity gateway prototypes.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


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